Bus Company Data Management System

CS353: Database Systems Course Project

Project Proposal

20 Feb 2014


In this project, we design and implement a software to be used by a bus company. A bus company has to keep track of their buses, arrange their routes and schedule voyages. Then, the company sell tickets to customers based on this data. Therefore, a data-driven software is highly efficient tool for a bus company. The software can also be used to store personnel data, or obtain some statistics about routes. The management of the data can be solved by a relational model. Thus, a bus company data management system is a good case for using a RDBMS.


There are 4 operational roles for this application. These roles are customer, salesperson, terminal agent, and manager. Each role will have different rights on the system and will use different interfaces specific to their role.

Functional Requirements for Customer Operations

Functional Requirements for Salesperson Operations

Functional Requirements for Terminal Agent Operations

Functional Requirements for Manager Operations

Other Functional Requirements

E/R Model (click to see larger)

E/R Model
